Presentations & Podcasts


“Adventures in Translating Latin American Authors”

I invite you to watch my PowerPoint presentation, “Adventures in Translating Latin American Authors,” in which I share my experiences translating the works of Ana María Shua, Perla Suez, and Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Just click on the arrow on title slide to share the journeys with me!


Podcast - Hablemos, escritoras

I invite you to listen to a 3 minute excerpt from Chamber Canon: “Amor desaparecido”/”Vanishing Love” by Tununa Mercado. Click on the arrow to the right to play the recording.

Click on the link below to read the texts in Spanish and English.


“Traduciendo Canon de alcoba de Tununa Mercado: Un juego de cajas chinas” 

I invite you to watch my presentation, ““Traduciendo Canon de alcoba de Tununa Mercado: Un juego de cajas chinas.”
50th Annual Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture. University of Louisville; Louisville, Kentucky, February 21, 2023.

Go to 34:41 to view.


Translated Books


Winter’s Fury

Translation of Furia de invierno (Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2019), a novel by Perla Suez. Houston: Literal Publishing, 2024. Includes a Translator’s Note. Supported by a grant from the Programa Sur Translation Support Program of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the Name of the Father:
Chronicle of Franco’s Spain to Trump’s America

Translation of En el nombre del padre: Crónica de la España de Franco a la América de Trump (Granada, Spain: Valparaíso Ediciones, 2021), a memoir by Fernando Operé. Houston: Literal Publishing, 2024.  

The Entre Ríos Trilogy: Three Novels

Translation of Letargo, El arresto, and Complot. By Perla Suez. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P. Ed. Ilán Stavans. Jewish Latin American Literature Series. 2006. Includes a Translator’s Preface. Buffalo, New York: White Pine Press, May 2022. 2nd ed. Supported by a Research and Creative Activity Grant from the University of Louisville’s Department of Classical and Modern Languages.


Chamber Canon

Translation of Canon de alcoba de Tununa Mercado (Buenos Aires: Ada Korn Editora, 1988), by Tununa Mercado. Houston, Literal Publishing, 2022. Supported by a Research and Creative Activity Grant from the University of Louisville’s Department of Classical and Modern Languages.

For a review, click here.


Bruno Fólner’s Last Tango

Bruno Fólner’s Last Tango. Trans. of La última felicidad de Bruno Fólner (Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2015), a novel by Mempo Giardinelli. New York: White Pine Press, 2020. Supported by a grant from the Programa Sur Translation Support Program of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The Devil’s Country

 The Devil’s Country. Trans. of El país del diablo (Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2015), a novel by Perla Suez. New York: White Pine Press, 2019. Includes Translator’s Note. Supported by a grant from the Programa Sur Translation Support Program of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Mexico’s Cultural Heritage

Mexico’s Cultural Heritage. Trans. of México en su patrimonio. Ed. Maragarita de Orellana. Mexico: Artes de México, 2015. Original and translation commissioned by President Enrique Peña Nieto. Translated all forty introductions to each section of the book.


Dreaming of the Delta

Dreaming of the Delta. Trans. of La pasajera (Buenos Aires: Editorial Norma, 2008), a novel by Perla Suez. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, Americas Series, 2014. Includes Translator’s Note. Supported by a grant from the Programa Sur Translation Support Program of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Poetics of Wonder: Passage of Mogador

Poetics of Wonder: Passage to Mogador. Trans. of  Nueve veces el asombro: Nueve veces nueve cosas que dicen de Mogador. A novel by Alberto Ruy-Sánchez. (Mexico: Alfaguara, 2005) New York: White Pine Press, 2014.


The Secret Gardens of Mogador: Voices of the Earth

 The Secret Gardens of Mogador: Voices of the Earth. Trans. of Los jardines secretos de Mogador: Voces de la tierra. A novel by Alberto Ruy-Sánchez. México, Alfaguara, 2001. New York: White Pine Press, 2009. Supported by a 2006 NEA National Literature Fellowship; Supported by a grant from the Program of Support for Translation (PROTRAD) with funds from the Mexican cultural institution FONCA.


Quick Fix: Sudden Fiction

Quick Fix: Sudden Fiction by Ana María Shua. New York: White Pine Press, 2008. Bilingual Illustrated Anthology of Short Short Stories. Includes Translator’s Introduction.


The Entre Ríos Trilogy: Three Novels

The Entre Ríos Trilogy: Three Novels. Trans. of Letargo, El arresto, and Complot. By Perla Suez. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P. Ed. Ilán Stavans. Jewish Latin American Literature Series. 2006. Includes a Translator’s Preface.


Limilus: Visions of the Living Fossil

Buchanan, Rhonda Dahl, trans. Limilus: Visiones del fósil viviente/ Limulus. Visions of the Living Fossil. Trans. of a book by Brian Nissen and Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Libros de la Espiral. México, Artes de México, 2004. 

Excerpts, Journals,
and Other Publications

  • Translated Chapters and Excerpts in Books:

    Buchanan, Rhonda Dahl. Trans. of “El Golem y el Rabino” from Casa de geishas (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1992) by Ana María Shua. Miriam’s Daughters: Jewish Latin American Women Poets. Ed. Marjorie Agosín. Santa Fe: Sherman Asher Publishers, 2000. 82-87.

    “Introduction: The Rituals of Writing.” Trans. of “Los rituales de la escritura” by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Word Carving: The Craft of Literary Journalism. Canadá: The Banff Centre Press, 2003. 1-7.

    “The Spinal Column.” Trans. of “La columna vertebral” by Ana María Shua. Women and Power in Argentine Literature: Stories Interviews and Critical Essays. Ed. Gwendolyn Díaz. Houston: U of Texas P, 2007. 291-299.

    Excerpts from Chapters 2 and 3 of La muerte como efecto secundario by Ana María Shua. Women and Power in Argentine Literature: Stories Interviews and Critical Essays. Ed. Gwendolyn Díaz. Houston: U of Texas P, 2007. 301-302.

    “Some Gardens of Desire.” Seven Fair Tales: Contemporary Mexican Fiction. Ed. Jeannine Diego Medina. Kolkata, India: CONACULTA and the Indo-Hispanic Society, 2010. 29-59.

    “Time Travel.” Trans. of “Si viajar en el tiempo fuera posible” by Ana María Shua. Argentina: A Traveler’s Literary Companion. Ed. Jill Gibian. Berkeley, California: Whereabouts Press, 2010. 1. (The lead piece for the book.)

    “3 Microstories by Ana María Shua.” Sudden Fiction Latino: Short Short Stories from the United States and Latin America. Ed. Roberto Shapard. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. 43-44.

    “A Selection of Short Short Stories by Ana María Shua.” The Irreal Reader: A Café Irreal Anthology. Bowie: Maryland: Guide Dog Press, 2013. 16-20.

    “Savoring Death in Mexico. Trans. of “Sabor de la muerte en México” by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Cross Worlds: Transcultural Poetics, An Anthology. Eds. Anne Waldman and Laura Wright. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2014. 288-305.

    “The Lovers” and “Concatenation”. Trans. of “Los amantes” and “Concatenación” by Ana María Shua. Short: An International Anthology of Five Centuries of Short-Short Stories, Prose Poems, Brief Essays, and Other Short Prose Forms. Ed. Alan Ziegler. New York, Persea Books, 2014. 211-212.

    “Final Point.” El hilo de la vida/ The Thread of Life. Ed. Cuauhtémoc Medina. Puebla, México: Universidad de las Américas, 2016. 261-265. Trans. of “Punto final” from Canon de alcoba by Tununa Mercado.

    “Ana María Shua: Once consejos para autores de microrrelatos. Micros y traducciones de Rhonda Dahl Buchanan.” Minificción y nanofilología: Latitudes de la brevedad. Ed. Ana María Rueda. Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2017. 59-63.

    “Ana María Shua: Interview and 36 Microfictions.” Short Circuits: Aphorisms, Fragments, and Literary Anomalies. Ed. James Lough and Alex Stein. Tucson, Arizona: Schaffner, 2018. 129-138. Translated interview and provided author’s biographical note.

    “Savoring the Dance of the Bees.” Trans. of “Saborear la danza de las abejas” by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. India Remembers Octavio Paz. Ed. Shruthi Isaac. New Delhi, India: Vadehra Art Gallery, Archana Press, 2018. 19-24.

  • Translations in Journals and Other Publications:

    Buchanan, Rhonda Dahl. Trans. of “Twelve Short Short Stories by Ana María Shua.” American Voice 44 (1997): 101-104.

    Trans. of “Cuentos brevísimos/Short Short Stories by Ana María Shua.” Confluencia 13.2 (1998): 212-214.

    “The Spinal Column.” Trans. of “La columna vertebral” by Ana María Shua. Human Rights in the Americas. Ed. Marjorie Agosín. Spec. issue of Southwest Review 85.3 (2000): 386-395.

    “A Selection from “Other Possibilities.” Trans. of 10 Short Short Stories from “Otras posibilidades” de Casa de geishas (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1992) by Ana María Shua. The Café Irreal: International Imagination 6 (2001): 4 pp.

    ”A Selection from Botany of Chaos.” Trans. of 11 Short Short Stories from Botánica del Caos (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2000) by Ana María Shua. The Café Irreal: International Imagination 7 (February 2002): 5pp.

    “Paradise in a Box: The Ultimate Geometrical Garden.” Trans. of “El paraíso en una caja” from Los jardines secretos de Mogador: Voces de tierra (México: Alfaguara, 2001) by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. México: Solar Editores, 2002. 1-16.

    “From The Secret Gardens of Mogador: Voices of the Earth by Alberto Ruy Sánchez.” Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. Translation of the first two chapters of The Secret Gardens of Mogador. (February 2005)

    “The Rematch.” Trans. of the short story “La revancha” by Ana María Shua. From Como una buena madre. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2001. Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. (August 2005).

    “Third Spiral: Gardens in an Instant.” Trans. Chapter 3 of Los jardines secretos de Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. TWO LINES: A Journal of Translation. Masks 13 (2006): 192-197.

    “The Garden of Fire.” Trans. of “El jardín de fuego” from Los jardines secretos de Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Literal: Latin American Voices 5 (2006): 13.

    “The Garden of Voices.” Trans. of “El jardín de voces” from Los jardines secretos de Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. (October 2006)

    Geisha House/Casa de geishas (Selección). Literal: Latin American Voices 6 (2006): 46-47.

    “From Botany of Chaos.” Trans. of 12 Short Short Stories by Ana María Shua. Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. (December 2006)

    Lugares prometidos/Places of Longing. Trans. of 4 Texts by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Literal: Latin American Voices 14 (2008): 22-27.

    “Paradise in a Hand.” Trans. of “Paraíso en la mano” From Los jardines secretos de Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Eleven Eleven : A Journal of Literature and Art 7 (2009): 184-186.

    “Concerning Time in Mogador.” Trans. of Chapter 3 from Nueve veces el asombro by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. January 2010.

    “From The Secret Gardens of Mogador: Voices of the Earth by Alberto Ruy Sánchez.” Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature. Translation of the first two chapters of The Secret Gardens of Mogador. February 14, 2012.

    “Listening.” Trans. of “Oír” from Canon de alcoba by Tununa Mercado. Two Lines (May 2013):

    “Burning Words for Lovers” and Chapter 1 “On the Appearance of Mogador.” Trans. from Nueve veces el asombro by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Literal 33 (Summer, 2013): 50-51.

    Poetics of Wonder: Passage to Mogador. “Preliminary Offering,” Chapter 1 “On the Appearance of Mogador,” Chapter 9 “On the Capricious Nature of Sexual Anatomy in Mogador.” Trans. from Nueve veces el asombro by Alberto Ruy Sánchez. Asymptote (January 2014). Winner Asymptote Close Approximations Literary Translation Competition.

    The Erotic Forest” - A Haiku Series. Catamaran Literary Reader 3.4 (Winter 2015): 45. Trans. of El bosque erotizado by Alberto Ruy-Sánchez.

    “Garden of Voices,” chapter from The Secret Gardens of Mogador by Alberto Ruy Sánchez, featured in Anthology: Askew Gardens, Part Two; NPR Literary Series in Bloomington, Indiana; Aired live on July 24, 2016 and appeared on-line on July 25, 2016.

    “Selected Texts from Canon of the Chamber. The Café Irreal: International Imagination 70. (Spring 2019). Trans. of four texts from Canon de alcoba by Tununa Mercado.

    “The Retreat” and “Combatant Love.” Trans. of two texts from Canon de alcoba by Tununa Mercado. Latin American Literature Today 11. (August 2019);

    “Watching.” Trans. of “Ver” from Canon de alcoba by Tununa Mercado. Literal Magazine: Latin American Voices/Voces Latinoamericanos. (November 2019).

    “Betrayal of Fogwill.” Trans. of “Traición a Fogwill” by Ana María Shua. Latin American Literature Today 15 (August 2020).

    “The Translation Venture of Paz and Hayashiya in a Haiku from Sendas de Oku.” Trans. of “La labor traductora de Paz y Hayashiya en un haiku de Sendas de Oku” by Daisy Seravia. Latin American Literature Today 17 (March 2021).

    “From Winter’s Fury.” Trans. from the novel Furia de invierno by Perla Suez. On Translation: Seeking Publisher. Latin American Literature Today 18 (May 2021).

    Women in Translation Month according to Women Translators.” Latin American Literature Today 19 (August 2021).

    “The Poetry of Heberto Padilla beyond ‘The Padilla Affair’” Trans. of “La poesía de Heberto Padilla más allá de ‘El caso Padilla’” by Victor Carreño. Latin American Literature Today 26 (July 2023).